Wednesday, April 21, 2010

St. George Vaca Part 2

So the second half of our weekend getaway was spent in Beautiful Zions!(What an extremely perfect name for the place) I fell in love. Head over heels, fast and hard.... This place melted my heart.... The "Emerald Pools" hike was my favorite. The algie that grows there turns the water this magnificent green color. It was breathtaking.

The cliffs and sheer size of the mountains were very awe inspiring... Let me know that our creator was so mindful of detail and took great pride his work.

The men: all reading a different map! Which way should we go??!!

Those boyz..... they melt my heart too :)

Going in the Spring is a must! All of the run off is there and it creates these amazing waterfalls. But I heard the fall is pretty spectacular as well. Perhaps I will have to go visit again to see for myself!

Nothin like hangin with your cousins, climbin rocks and gettin dirty!

Nothin wrong with a Bandanna. (this kid is adorable!)

This place is on my list! If you need a great place to go as a family(or as a couple, hint hint... husband if you are reading this!) Totally worth it, if you are into gorgeous scenery, fresh air, breathtaking views and that sort of thing.... otherwise there's always the outlet malls! (Zions beat the outlet mall hands down!)


  1. BEAUTIFUL. We have talked about moving to St. George, the last 2 months. It is good to know there is more than just hot weather there.

  2. I love Zion's.. You're right It is amazing!!
