Friday, August 6, 2010


Mr. B and Mr. K were given some hamsters for their B-day. I thought they were getting 1, but it ended up being 4... (that's a whole other story) These little critters kept sneaking out of their cages and into my house! (creepy, I know!) so I had the boys move their cage outside. The boys must have mistaken Chloe for a cat instead of a hamster because they let her climb a tree, which she did ok climbing up, but not so good coming down..... :( Dear chlobo (the nickname the boys gave her) lived only a few short hours after the fall. Their was a small graveside service for her and this beautiful headstone was erected in her honor! May we never forget our dear friend and pet... Chlobo. Rest in Peace girl.


  1. Give the boys my condolences. I am so sorry I missed the services :(

  2. they were asking if you would do a special musical number... but it just didn't seem to work out with our conflicting schedules ;)

  3. That is so sad. but the thing is not to remember the time she died but to remember the happy times.
