Saturday, April 3, 2010

Derbies, puppies,V-day dinner and more!

It's time to play a little catch up.... So here we go. Mr. E had his pine wood derby a while back. He spent some quality time workin on his car to make it just right! I never knew the effort and skilz that boys (and their dads...and step-dads!) put into these cars. So many little tricks and secrets to make the thing run just a little bit smoother and just a little bit faster! My boy did good though. He came in 4th place so all that hard work paid off!

Our neighbor Evan has been fostering some puppies for the Human Society and he brought them over a few times for the boys to see. Ahhhh.... those kids loved them! They wanted to cuddle them, and kiss them and never ever let them go! (they were pretty delicious I do admit!) They kept asking how much they cost and when Evan told them $150 they were putting their little brains together to see how they could come up with the money. Mind you we already own 2 dogs! They were very cute but I was definitely glad to see them go. I don't think this momma is cut out for more dogs :)

Yes I do realize the ca lander says April and I will be posting pics from Valentines day.... there is no excuse, but that's what is happening so just enjoy it! For Valentines day this year since it was on a Sunday we decided the option for a hot spicy date was just kinda out of the question (don't worry folks, we got the date in earlier!) We chose to have a little etiquette dinner for the boys at "Le Dawson" restaurant. This little whole in the wall was open for one night only with yours truly and the man of the house as the hostess and server. They boys made the decorations and we set the table with our fine china and some awesome goblets we scored at DI! They enjoyed a nice 4 course meal including appetizers, salad a main dish and dessert. We talked about manners and being polite and what to do if the food on your plate looks yucky! (not that any of them thought that...ok, maybe they did) They wore collared shirts and were perfect gentlemen! It was a fun night and something I hope we do again!

So in being the owner of 2 dogs there is quit a bit of work that goes into caring for them. They need to be fed, watered, taken out to the bathroom, played with, bathed and walked. It is a lot so every one gets to chip in! That's just how it works :) so I asked the boys to please take the dogs out for a walk and them with their creative little minds hooked the dogs up to the sled and had them pull them all around the back yard. We have a Yorkie poo and and English bulldog, so not exactly sled dogs.... but them seemed to work. Mr. E came in asking for dog treats to hook on a wire to dangle in front of the dogs so that they would chase it and run faster.(my kid is smart!)
I don't think I am quit all caught up, but some things deserve a post of their own so the pics may be old but the memories are too special to combine! I will BLOG better... I promise... cross my heart... pinky swear!!!