Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Practical Joke

So Mr. E is our entertainer. He likes to tell jokes and be the funny man! He loves gettin a laugh out of people. His target for the day was the little brother! Mr. B came downstairs hopping on one foot one leg in his pants and the other leg of the pants hanging to the side with a knot in it! He said The big brother had tied one leg of all his pants into knots.... I wasn't sure I believed this story but low and behold upon futher investigation..... all of Mr. B's pants(including PJ's) had one leg tied in a knot! Thanks for the laugh Mr. E! (Kids- you should totally try this at home, if you get in trouble, tell em the "BLOG" made you do it! ;)


  1. I am guessing he waited till his brother wasn't in the room and then went to work tieing knots! I will find out the details for you!
