Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haittian Love

With all that has happened the past little while in Haiti, it is hard to not take a look at one's own life and realize how blessed we truly are. Or at least that was the case for me. My heart was and is breaking for all of those people that are suffering from a physical and emotional loss.... So much heartbreak and devestation. And at the same time it makes me proud of Humanity in general, for all the out reaching and support that the world... (well the good people that are in the world) have shown for this small country. It has been inspiring to me. It makes me want to be a better person and be a part of the sea of humanity that can bring relief and comfort to others in a time of need. To be of service and show gratitude for all that I have by giving to someone else. So even though we are small in number, our little family made 2 blankets to send to Haiti. We did it for a Family Home Evening the other night and the boys were awesome! We read them newspaper articles and showed them the pictures of little kids just like them who were suffering, and as little as they are... they completly understood. They were excited to help and be a part of something bigger than themselves. I hope it is something that sticks with them through out their lives. It has become a standard part of Mr. K's prayers "please bless the Haitties." It is so precious to me. As a mother I feel responsible in teaching this next generation how to give, how to not expect or have that sense of entitlement but to be greatful and appreciate all that is before them. What an honor! I love this calling in life called motherhood! As difficult as it sometimes is... And to all those mothers and children in Haiti, may you know that our hearts and prayers are with you.


  1. Shelley what a wonderful idea! You are such a good mommy and the blankets look so cute.

    A member in our ward works for LDS family services and was able to go over there for 2 weeks to help with counseling, etc.

  2. What a wonderful thing. I think that the virtue's of Charity and service are so important for our little ones to learn!

  3. You are so awesome to do that with your kids. What a way to tech your kids service for those on the world.

  4. what a good person.
    im terrible, i need to be better.
    your boys are so cute by the way!
