Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Having Boys is a Journey all in it's own! I love em, I'm confused by them frequently, I think they are funny and adorable! They know how to mess up a clean house in 2minutes flat ! I love when I see them being kind to each other and playing like the best friends I hope they will grow to be for each other. But being a girl myself every thing they do is new for me and I learn so much about this secret world of boys! Over the past few months the older 2 boys have wanted to grow their hair out. Long, shaggy, hanging in their eyes, muffed over their ears and they loved every strand of it! Apparently there is logic behind the long do, in the winter months this long hair keeps their little heads much warmer and traps the heat into their brains.... at least that is what I have been told ;) but with Spring right around the bend Mr. E has decided enough with the long hair and was ready to take it short! How exciting for me! I am no professional barber, far from it, but if there is a need there is a way..... (and my personal theory is, if it's really bad ,give it 3 days and it will grow out!) So there we were in the bathroom, me with the clippers, my boy stripped down to his underwear and a black hair cutting cape! That first BUZZZZ was a little scary and seeing his long locks drop to the floor was a little shocking(just surprised at the sheer amount of hair that had been hiding on that head of his!) We clipped, and buzzed, snipped and combed. He tilted his head forward, back to the side and back again! My favorite was the part where we were half way done and he wanted to look in the mirror. The boy had a full on Mullet! I told him we should keep it that way, even if it was only for a few days.... weird, he said "no way!!" hmmm.... I think it would have been really fun/funny but what do I know! So after all was said and done I turned my boy to the mirror and almost started crying... My little boy was no longer there. In his place was this little man with this extremely handsome face and looking all grown up.... He ran off to play excited the "torture" was over, but me.... I cleaned up all the hair on that bathroom floor and had a "moment" where I realized my boy is growing up.... and one day he will move out and live on his own... and he won't need his mom to cut his hair....in fact he probably won't "need" me at all... and after a few deep breaths I was ok with it, why?... because he needs me now :) and I can enjoy it while it lasts, all the haircuts, late night back rubs to help him fall asleep, sitting by him at the table to do his homework, taking him to a friends house, and making sure that hair of his is combed! That gets to be my job for now and someday I'll get to let him go and until then..... I'll just enjoy this moment.


  1. Wow, he does look so much older with his new do. You did a great job and you are brave for cutting their hair. By the way, I love how long your hair has gotten; it looks so cute on you!

  2. He is so "handsome." I love the haircut, and you did a great job.

  3. I love the muscles on his upper arms too. He is growing up....they all are. Guess it is time to have another one :)))))

  4. You did so awesome. Nice work! Now how are we going to get Breck to cut his>!

  5. Wow I didn't realize how big of a difference his haircut had made until I saw the before and after. He is of course very handsome ;)

  6. Hi Shelley! This is Julie Baum from high school - actually I am Julie Snelders now, but I knew you probably wouldn't recognize that name :)! Anyway, I can be a blog hopper from time to time and today I came across your blog. You have a beautiful family and you look so happy! It was funny reading your blog because I too have 3 active boys, one of which is named Ethan and we also call him Mr. E. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and I would love to invite you to read my blog. It is private, so I would need to send you an invitation via email. If you are interested, email me your email address at juliesnelders11@hotmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!!
